Olympiads’ students won the Queen’s University Middle School Student Debate

Olympiads’ students won the Queen’s University Middle School Student Debate

2021 Queen’s University Debate Championship for Middle School Students

The High School Student Debate Tournament hosted by Queen’s is held on the weekend of January 8-10. The tournament is one of the three most prestigious university-sponsored debate tournaments of the year. Congratulations to the students of the Olympic School for their bravery again Won the crown.


Team performance


High school group

Champions Stellar Zhang and Michael Chen 

Finals Ethan Chiang and Isabelle Guo

Gaby Lin and Sarenna McKellar in the final (currently both are members of the national team)

Semifinal Jin Zhou

Semifinals Rally Lin and Alyssa Li


Junior high school group

Champion  Grace Liang


Personal performance


High school group

Best debater Stellar Zhang

2nd debater Michael Chen

3rd debater Sarenna McKellar

4th debater Gaby Lin

The 10th debater  Jin Zhou


Junior high school group

Best debater  Jin Zhou

4th debater Grace Liang