Achievement 2013 - 2014

From 2013 – 2014, Olympiads School has achieved amazing results in multiple academic areas. We have students qualifying for the IPhO, ICO, and IOI. Furthermore, we also have students accepted by top US universities.
Achievement 2012 - 2013

Congratulations to 6 students from Olympiads School who had been accepted by elite US universities this year. Many other students also have achieved top ranks in nation high school level math and science Olympiad contests.
Achievement 2011 - 2012

3 students from Olympiads have been accepted by Harvard University. Also, 2 students from Olympiads have been selected to participate in the International Mathematical and International Chemistry Olympiads.
Achievement 2010 - 2011

From 2010 – 2011, a number of students have been accepted by top US universities. Many more have been performing extremely well on national and international math and science contests. Click below to read more.
Achievement 2009 and prior

In 2007, Olympiads School returned from the Harvard_MIT Math Tournament with incredible results. Prior to 2010, many students from Olympiads School have also been accepted by the best universities around the world.